Our TEDDINGTON STORE is OPEN 9.00 to 5.00 Monday to Friday and 9.00 to 1.00 on Saturdays.
With parking directly to the front of our store, you will always find a friendly and helpful welcome and there is an extensive range of products instore to see and try. We also operate a special quick order-to-order system for those with special needs that cannot be met from instore stocks.
We are also BATHROOM ADAPTATION SPECIALISTS for the less abled so do contact us if you need our survey and quotation service. We never pressure people to buy and we only carry out the work you want. Our services include replacing complete bathrooms and toilets, wetrooms, walk-in showers/baths, new toilet facilities and ramps.
We can offer Straight STAIRLIFTS or Curved STAIRLIFTS depending on your requirements. Through-the-floor Lifts range are also available.
You can rent MANUAL WHEELCHAIRS from £7.50 per day, £39.50 per week or, £120.00 per month plus £50.00 refundable deposit.
VAT EXEMPTION applies on 99% of our products and services for those who have a permanent disability and/or chronic sickness.
Please visit our store or order on-line or over the telephone, you will be glad you did so!
General Charges
Out-of-Area Delivery & Collection Charges
Servicing Charges:
To avoid call-out or collection and return charges, portable items such as small car-boot scooters and manual wheelchairs, can be brought into and collected from the workshop in our Teddington Store.